Federal Skilled Trades Class

The FSTC is prescribed as a class of people who meet all of the following criteria:

Candidates qualified in a skilled trade may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada and intend to reside in a province other than Quebec.

To be eligible for this program,

Language Ability:

LanguageAbilitiesMinimum level
EnglishSpeaking and listeningCLB 5
EnglishReading and writingCLB 4
FrenchSpeaking and listeningNCLC 5
FrenchReading and writingNCLC 4

Skilled work experience:

Skilled trades for the Federal Skilled Trades Program are organized under these groups:

  • Industrial, electrical and construction trades
  • Maintenance and equipment operation trades
  • Supervisors and technical jobs in natural resources, agriculture and related production
  • Processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators
  • Chefs and cooks
  • Butchers and bakers


There is no education requirement for the Federal Skilled Trades Program.

If you have foreign education, you can get points for a completed educational credential, if you have an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report for immigration purposes from a designated organization showing that your education is equal to a completed certificate, diploma or degree from a Canadian:

  • The secondary institution (high school) or
  • post-secondary institution

Proof of funds:

You must show that you have enough money for you and your family to settle in Canada unless you

     • are currently able to legally work in Canada and
     • have a valid job offer from an employer in Canada

For more detailed information about this program and to find out if you are eligible, please contact our office to discuss your options and further assistance.